Welcome to Essence Culinair
Essence Culinair is a cooking studio. With us you learn how to cook by doing it yourself. Of course not everyone can cook, so we accompany you through demonstration and instruction during cooking. Because we ourselves love cooking and good food, we do our best to rise above the level of "cooking". With us you will really cook, whether you like it or not!
You can come to us as a private individual or with a group of friends in a cooking club that meets periodically. But we also like it if you want to cook once with colleagues or customers. We provide a pleasant atmosphere in which everyone feels at home and is actively involved with each other. In this way we have already delivered many companies a successful evening for an attractive price.
Cooking lessons
Would you like to learn how to cook, but does a professional cookery program go too far? Come and have a rest at one of our cooking club evenings! Practice is the best learning experience. All terms, techniques, products and cooking facts come to the turn. That way you can build up a few months of experience in a cozy atmosphere! Sign up by calling 06-54280059 and / or by e-mail @ essenceculinair.